Wizard World Comic Con New Orleans Presents: Graphic Design in the Service of Narrative: A 2-Day Workshop with Howard Chaykin

By WIZARD WORLD COMIC CON (other events)

Thu, Jan 5 2017 5:00 PM CST Sun, Jan 8 2017 4:00 PM CST

Wizard World New Orleans presents:

Graphic Design in the Service of Narrative:
The Building Blocks of Comic Book Storytelling
A two-day intensive workshop with American Flagg!’s HOWARD CHAYKIN
Thursday January 5, 5:00 PM-9:00 PM & Friday January 6, 12:00 PM-4:00 PM

About the workshop:

Drawing comics (aka graphic novels or sequential art) is about more than drawing well. Each page of a comic and each panel of that page are challenges in graphic design. Now, you have the chance to learn and put into practice the principles of design as taught in an intensive, two-day workshop with legendary comics writer and artist HOWARD CHAYKIN (American Flagg!, Black Kiss, Wolverine/Nick Fury and many other groundbreaking stories.)

Known for the visual and narrative impact of his comics, Chaykin will demonstrate how he makes pages and panels—and entire stories—work for maximum power, and will then critique assignments students do in class and overnight between sessions. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to learn the secrets of making great comics from one of the acknowledged masters of the medium. 


The workshop is invaluable not just for artists, but for writers, editors, graphic designers and anyone else involved in, or simply passionate about, visual storytelling.

The workshop will take place in two 4-hour segments, the first on the evening before Wizard World New Orleans, the second in the morning and early afternoon before the convention kickoff on Thursday afternoon.

**Class is limited to 15 students. Reserve your spot now!**

[Special Note: In addition to in-class critiques, Chaykin will comment on workshop-related work emailed to him for two weeks after the workshop.]


Thursday January 5, 5:00 PM-9:00 PM
Part One: A lecture on the concept and meaning of storytelling and writing in comics, the specific as well as the general. The relationship between space and time in comic book storytelling and many other core concepts will be revealed, elaborated and explained.

Discussion of the visual vocabulary of comic book storytelling via the Three Streams: Kurtzman, Eisner, Kirby/Lee.

Part Two: A demonstration of the storytelling lecture through the PARADIGM—the five panels that are the building blocks of the comic book page. This will visually demonstrate the discussion of the lecture.

Part Three: A discussion with give and take of the three-page sequence that will be drawn by the participants to be delivered on Day Two. Emphasis will be placed on the participant’s understanding that we’re not talking about finished art, but layout—roughly drawn, but with enough clarity to understand the interpretation of the work. 

Friday January 6, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Part One: Using the work done on the three-page assignment, Chaykin will elaborate on the theory discussed on day one and discuss the dynamic of the comic artist’s participation in the writing process by dint of choices made visually.

Part Two: Guided in-class revision of the previous night’s assignment.

Part Three: Review and critique of revised assignments, further elaborating on the responsibility of the artist to the narrative content of comics. Discussion of issues relating to design and storytelling as well as general discussion of comics and life. Ends with a song.

As a working cartoonist and writer for forty years, Howard Chaykin (American Flagg; The Shadow) has spent much of that time analyzing and successfully codifying the techniques that make for a coherent narrative linkage between written text and visual presentation. In recent years he’s taught these techniques to professional artists at Marvel Comics, as well as lecturing on the subject to working professionals and comics enthusiasts in the United States and Europe. Two days spent with this renowned, witty and deeply opinionated comics man—who is good at the expense of nice—will change the way anyone looks at or thinks about a comics page, be they professional, amateur seeking to be professional, or simply interested in acquiring a deeper understanding of a frequently misunderstood narrative craft. Promise.

Here’s what TOP COMICS PROS who have taken Howard’s workshop have to say about it:’

"The seminar conducted by Mr. Chaykin was tremendously worthwhile. Howard is a master storyteller and he is also masterful at teaching his storytelling techniques. I feel like my work jumped many levels after the seminar."
--RYAN STEGMAN, artist Incredible Hulks

“The instruction and critiques that I received from Howard helped me improve as an artist and storyteller. I would urge any comic book artist (aspiring to veteran alike) to attend the seminar if presented with the opportunity.” 
--JEROME OPENA, artist on Marvel Zombies

"This master class was an essential, indispensable step in my career. It's not just about drawing. It's about storytelling, direction, page composition, rhythm, self-awareness and professionalism.”
--VALERIO SCHITI, artist on New Avengers

“Howard opened my eyes to new artistic and storytelling techniques that I never knew possible. Grab your pencil, leave you ego at the door and open your ears, because this seminar could change your artistic life. I know it did mine.”
--MARK BROOKS, artist on Amazing Spider-Man

“Studying under Howard was without doubt, the single most valuable learning experience I have had as a comic book artist. It worked on many levels for me, particularly on a deeper understanding of core storytelling techniques, through to my own confidence as an artist.”
--WILL SLINEY, artist on Spider-Man 2099

“Howard provides a wonderfully educational and entertaining experience, backed by his incredible wealth of knowledge. It would behoove you to attend, regardless of whether you're an amateur or seasoned pro! You can only come away enlightened!”
--JIM CHEUNG, artist on New Avengers: Illuminati

“Howard teaches a no-bullsh*t intensive on storytelling where you'll learn more in one day than through reading countless books on [the topic].”
--KRIS ANKA, artist on Captain Marvel

Price: $395.00 
- Includes two-weeks of post-Workshop critiques via email
- Includes 3-day Weekend Admission to Wizard World Comic Con New Orelans
- Includes two-weeks of post-Workshop critiques via email



Show Hours: 
Friday – 3pm - 8pm 
Saturday – 10am - 7pm 
Sunday – 10am - 4pm 

Box office opens 2 hours before the show. •  Admissions are non-refundable. • Wristbands are non-transferable. • Admissions that are purchased from unauthorized websites (sites such as craigslist, eBay, StubHub, etc.) will not be honored for entry

Wristbands will be picked up at the VIP booths in the Registration area.